Important Dates
Saturday 19th February 2022 to Sunday 27th March 2022
Saturday 22nd October 2022 to Sunday 4th December 2022
Please remember that fires should:
Last no longer than 45 minutes
Not burn green material
Not burn plastics or old tyres
Take account of the wind speed and direction
Held only in normal social hours
Take the neighbours in to consideration
Be attended at all times
Be extinguished before you leave
The water supply is now turned on
The best time to water your crops is in the evening or very early morning, using a watering can and aiming at the roots not the foliage. Water thoroughly on a weekly basis and soak the soil, this encourages the roots to go deeper in search of moisture. Water appropriately to the crop, plants also need different amounts of water at varying stages of growth and too much water can affect yield and taste.
Thursday 28th April at 7.30.p.m - Room 3 (Nursery) at Hoole Community Centre, Westminster Road
Membership fees are due in January each year.
Current Subs are £10.00 for Plot Holders and £5.00 for Gardeners.
Sunday July 3rd 2022 - Planning has started for the 2022 Open Day with all the usual stalls, plants, produce ,BBQ, bar, tea and cakes. A wider range of entertainment will be possible....further details to follow
During the covic-19 situation, formal inspections have been suspended. If you are unable to look after your plot due to the current situation, please inform a sector rep or send a message via the contact page on this web site.